美国Auburn大学Tin-Yau Tam教授在公司作学术报告

2012-07-04 文字:  点击:[]

       应59白菜专区论坛邀请,2012年6月26、27日,美国Auburn大学Tin-Yau Tam教授在公司综合楼0212教室作有关矩阵与算子理论的学术报告,并为青年教师和研究生作数学专业学术论文写作的报告,报告会分别由公司教务处处长阿拉坦仓教授、59白菜专区论坛副经理李宏教授主持,59白菜专区论坛的研究生和有关研究方向的教师参加了报告会。
报告题目分别为“Convergence of the Iterated Aluthge Sequence”和“数学写作及演说”。报告会上,Tam教授综述了Iterated Aluthge Sequences的研究背景和研究进展,提出了有待进一步考虑的学术问题,公司师生就这些问题与Tam教授进行了深入、细致的探讨;Tam教授引用Paul Halmos、杜甫、柳宗元、贾岛等有关(数学)文章写作的脍炙人口的经典名句,结合自己担任国际杂志编委的经历,阐述了数学写作要条分缕析、精雕细刻。
      Tin-Yau Tam教授应59白菜专区论坛阿拉坦仓教授的邀请,与59白菜专区论坛“无穷维Hamilton算子”研究团队进行了为期三周的学术交流和研讨,举办了多场学术讲座(2012年6月9日至29日),讲座的总题目为“An Introduction of Numerical Ranges”。
      Tin-Yau Tam教授简介:Tin-Yau Tam, Professor of Mathematics of Auburn University, Alabama, USA. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Hong Kong in 1986. He have taught at the City University of Hong Kong and then joined Auburn University in 1988. His research interest includes Lie groups and Lie algebras, numerical range and its generalization, Multilinear algebra, and their applications. He published about 80 papers and has been guest editor of some special issues of Linear and Multilinear Algebra. He gave numerous talks in different conferences and meetings. He is on the editorial board of Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Proyecciones Revista de Matematica. He serves on the Board of Directors of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS).


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